5to Simposio El Poder de la Mujer en la Ciencia
¡No dejes pasar la fecha para inscribirte! Este año se estará celebrando el 5to Simposio El Poder de la Mujer en la Ciencia del 7 al 8 de Marzo del 2024 [...]
Participante de CIRE2N es seleccionada para recibir subvención de NSF
Estudiante doctoral de Ciencias Ambientales recibe subvención de la National Science Foundation La estudiante doctoral Solimar Pinto Pacheco, del Programa Graduado de Ciencias Ambientales de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales del Recinto de Río Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico [...]
¡El NanoEnvi Summer Camp 2023 regresa para una experiencia inolvidable!
El Centro para la Innovación, Investigación y Educación en Nanotecnología Ambiental (CIRE2N) está emocionado de anunciar el regreso de su exitoso NanoEnvi Summer Camp, que se llevará a cabo por quinto año consecutivo del 19 al 30 de junio de 2023, [...]
NanoDays Día de la Tierra
El 20 de abril, CIRE2N visitó Antilles Middle and High School en Buchanan para hablar sobre ciencias de la Tierra. Este evento fue planeado como un componente de las celebraciones del Día de la Tierra cada año junto al tradicional [...]
Culmina Marzo, mes de la mujer, con el 4to Simposio de la Mujer en la Ciencia
El Departamento de Química de la UPRRP organizó el 4º Simposio de Mujeres en la Ciencia el 31 de marzo para marcar la conclusión del Mes Internacional de la Mujer. Este programa incluyó mesas interactivas, seminarios, paneles con mujeres científicas [...]
4to simposio: El Poder de la Mujer en la Ciencia
Celebraremos el 4to simposio El Poder de la Mujer en la Ciencia el 30 de marzo. Este año hemos diseñado el evento para ser realizado en formato presencial y con transmisiones a varias escuelas de Puerto Rico e Internacionales. Estamos [...]
Celebración de la niña y la mujer en la ciencia
Nuestro recinto celebró el Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia Por Dra. Bonny M. Ortiz-Andrade Center for Innovation in Education and Environmental Nanotechnology Universidad de Puerto Rico – Recinto de Río Piedras El pasado 11 [...]
Exhibición de latinas en la ciencia
Exhibición resalta latinas en las ciencias 28 de noviembre, 2022 Como parte de la iniciativa “Empoderando la nueva generación de latinas en STEAM”, se está presentando, hasta el 2 de diciembre, la exhibición “Mujeres latinas en las ciencias”, en [...]
Cierre con broche de oro para el NanoEnvi Summer Camp
El pasado viernes 1 de julio de 2022 se celebró la actividad de cierre de nuestro campamento de verano para estudiantes y maestros de escuela intermedia y superior. Este año, se celebró el último campamento de este ciclo de nuestra [...]
Virtual Nanodays 2022
El pasado miércoles 11 de Mayo se llevó a cabo el Virtual Nanodays de CIRE2N. El público en general pudo conectarse a traves de la plataforma Zoom y disfrutar de una serie de videos interactivos y una charla con el [...]
CIRE2N ofrece por primera vez su STEAM Virtual Nanosummer Camp
CIRE2N tuvo su campamento de verano de nanotecnología ambiental de manera virtual por primera vez este verano. El STEAM Virtual Nanosummer Camp se llevó a cabo del 22 de junio al 2 de Julio del 2020 a través de [...]
Nuestro primer Nano Days virtual: Una labor de amor a las ciencias y compromiso con el público en tiempos de pandemia
El viernes 22 de mayo se celebró por primera vez nuestro Nano Days Virtual. Nuestro equipo de investigadores, estudiantes graduados y subgraduados trabajaron arduamente para celebrar nuestro querido Nano Days para llevar ciencia, tecnología y diversión al público en general [...]
CIRE2N los invita al: ACS Project SEED Virtual Summer Camp
ACS Project SEED Virtual Summer Camp La American Chemical Society (ACS, por sus siglas en inglés) estará ofreciendo un campamento de verano virtual a nivel nacional para estudiantes de escuela superior interesados en seguir carreras en la química. Aproximadamente 250 [...]
Información sobre CIRE2N ante el Covid-19
Medidas ante la emergencia del virus Covid-19 Ante la propagación del Covid-19 CIRE2N se une a los esfuerzos para poder controlar este virus. Estamos siguiendo las medidas preventivas recomendadas por el CDC y de acuerdo con los comunicados de la [...]
Mujeres en la ciencia: Sus historias, retos y logros
Mujeres científica presentes en el simposio que nos deleitaron con sus historias y experiencias. El pasado viernes 6 de marzo se llevó a cabo el Simposio: El poder de la mujer en la ciencia dedicado a destacar [...]
Regresa el evento de nanotecnología más divertido del año al Malecón de Cataño
CIRE2N y la Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Río Piedras invitan al público en general a participar de nuestro festival Nanodays 2020 que se llevará a cabo el 3 de abril en el malecón de Cataño de 9:00 a.m. [...]
9 tips on how to take the most out of your interview to a Scientist
There are a lot of things an individual must do before interviewing a scientist. Here, I'm going tell you how to prepare to nail your interview.
Molecular Science Research Center open house
The Molecular Sciences Research Center hosted an open house last Friday. CIRE2N participated and gave interactive presentations to students and the open public. The Ciencia Arte gallery was on the activity as well, giving the opportunity for everyone to see [...]
CIRE2N’S Site Visit
Through the first two days of the week CIRE2N had a NSF Site Visit in which the board came to evaluate our researchers. On Monday, the opening activity was celebrated. After it, CIRE2N'S graduates and undergraduates presented what their research [...]
ACS Chemistry Festival 2019: Marvelous Metals
ACS celebrated it's 19th anual festival of Chemistry last Sunday at El Paseo de la Princesa in San Juan. Under a really sunny day, students from different universities and schools gave presententations about all the elements from the periodic table. [...]
Proyect Based Learning Workshop
There was a workshop on Proyect Base Learning last Friday September 13, 2019. The workshop was presented by the doctoral student, Ana Fernández Ruíz. Proyect Base Learning is"an effective teaching model that focuses the learning process on a real project [...]
Dr. Elvira Cuevas during interview: The Amazon
Elvira Cuevas, an Ecologist and one of CIRE2N's researchers, was interviewed in the TV program Día a Día regarding the fires in the Amazon. Dr. Cuevas did her doctoral thesis in San Carlos de Río Negro in the Venezuelan Amazon. [...]
Welcome to this new academic year
CIRE2N welcomes all students, professors and researchers to this new academic year.
Nano Envi Summer Camp’s closing
Summer is almost over, and with it the Nano Envi Summer Camp succesfully finished it's second edition. In the video, the participants of the summer camp enjoy its ending and celebrate all their achievements. The groups presented their [...]
CIRE2N is recognized for first place in Public Choice
The National Science Foundation (NSF) recognized our center for the excellent creative way of disseminating our project. Click here to see the video #NSFfunded #NSFCrest
Video: Nano Envi Summer Camp 2019
Here's a summary of what happened during the Nano Envi Summer Camp 2019
Effective Communication Workshop: Nano Envi Summer Camp
During the first week of the Nano Envi Summer Camp both students and teachers attended workshops that are going to help them throughout their journey as part time researchers. One of these workshops was given by Dr. Liz Diaz, one [...]
STEM for All Video Competition
We are participating in a video competition where we share the innovations of our research to the world. The video represents our research and how we contribute to the natural reserve of the Ciénaga las Cucharillas and El Corredor del [...]
Learning about the sciences close to you: NanoDays 2019
NanoDays, an educational festival about nanoscale science, was held today in the Malecón of Cataño City. CIRE2N celebrates this festival each year with the purpose of creating more interest in the emerging STEM field of Environmental Nanotechnology.
The greatest learning experience
For the second year in a row, CIRE2N will be celebrating the biggest Nanotechnology Festival in Puerto Rico. It will be held in The Malecón of Cataño from 9 a.m. till 2 p.m. on May 3, 2019. CIRE2N students will [...]
Nano-Envi Summer Camp 2019
In order to promote excellence in science education for high schools, CIRE2N will sponsor a five week summer research program, from june 10 to July 3, 2019; created specifically for teachers and high school students. This program will allow 10 [...]
Animating Science: the workshop
During a workshop given by Dr. Bonny Ortiz last friday, CIRE2N students learned how to make animations to educate and communicate science to the community. They'll be able to use this later to portray their research with these techniques, making [...]
Nano-Ambiente: Accesible science for all
Cire2n students are working hard in the design of Nano-Ambiente. An educational journal that seeks to make Nanotechnology and Environmental Science accesible to the community. Stay tuned for more details. We will be announcing the release soon. #NSFfunded #NSFCrest
Chemistry in Pictures: Fluorescence unmasked
Article by: Manny Morone Credit: Jon Grimm While synthesizing fluorescent dyes like these, Jon Grimm of Janelia Research Campus often has to mask or “protect” parts of his molecules with functional groups that are less reactive. This step [...]
Five tips for nailing your US-based graduate-school applications
Cristian Román-Palacios discusses how to deal with the bureaucracy and make a great case for yourself.
Elvira Cuevas: una mujer de vanguardia
La doctora Elvira Cuevas Viera, profesora del Departamento de Biología de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Río Piedras (Uprrp), se convirtió en la primera puertorriqueña nombrada miembro de la Academia de Ciencias de América Latina (ACAL).
How flowers get the blues to lure bees
The petals of a range of flowers harbour repeated patterns of nanostructures that show similar levels of disorder across species. This degree of disorder produces a blue halo of scattered light that helps bees to find flowers.
Interactive demonstrations: Cayey Christian Academy
During a visit to Cayey Christian Academy, Cire2n students presented interactive demonstrations to the whole school. There were students from all ages attending and participating in the demonstrations, from prescholars to high schoolers. The group that visited the school [...]
Nanofiber carpet could lead to new sticky or insulating surfaces
Inspired by the extraordinary characteristics of polar bear fur, lotus leaves and gecko feet, engineering researchers have developed a new way to make arrays of nanofibers that could bring us coatings that are sticky, repellent, insulating or light emitting, among other possibilities.
If we’re going to capture our carbon emissions, we might as well put them to use
Instead of storing carbon, researchers want to convert it into fuel.
‘Smart skin’ simplifies spotting strain in structures
A 'smart skin' employs the unique fluorescent characteristics of carbon nanotubes to quickly assess strain in materials. The method is intended for aircraft, spacecraft and critical infrastructures in which mechanical strain needs to be monitored.
The process of grinding: IRG 1
One of the primary stages to the analysis of the elements in plants from Las Cucharillas Marsh at Cataño, Puerto Rico is one at the Ecolab by CIRE2N undergraduate and graduate students, this process is called grinding.
Watching nanoparticles: Researchers make movies of photochemistry in single nanoparticles
Stanford researchers retooled an electron microscope to work with visible light and gas flow, making it possible to watch a photochemical reaction as it swept across a nanoparticle the size of a single cold virus.
These fragile, futuristic batteries run longer with a little oil
These fragile, futuristic batteries run longer with a little oil A new design could help solve a problem that has long troubled aluminum-air power cells
Cataño has its first NanoDays
A NanoDays was held in Puerto Rico last Saturday in the Malecón of Cataño, with the goal of educating the community about Environmental Nanotechnology
Nano-Envi Summer Camp: the best research experience for high schoolers
CIRE2N sponsored a summer research program from June, 18 to July, 13 2018; in order to promote excellence in science education for high schools that allowed 10 student-teacher pairs to participate.
CREST- Post Doctoral Research Fellowships Webinar
The CREST- Post Doctoral Research Fellowship (PRF) program at the National Science Foundation provides fellowships for beginning CREST center investigators to support them in conducting research aligned with the research focus of their host CREST center.