A NanoDays is a national festival of educational programs about nano-scale science and engineering. There was one held last Saturday in the Malecón of Cataño.

In the event, there were Puerto Rican scientists and students who shared knowledge with the community while educating about Nanoscience.

The city of Cataño contributed to make this event possible, they provided the facilities and played and important part in the event’s organization.

The event, that was a success, consisted of interactive activities, scientific talks and exhibitions about the recent advances in Environmental Nanotechnology and the impact it can have in the community.

This type of activity “elevates the students interest in science, and Cataño is a municipality that has a lot of science because of the coastal zone and the Ciénaga Las Cucharillas” said Marangelys Serrano, a teacher from Cataño that participated alongside her students.

People had a lot of interest in what was being explained and taught in the different stations. Each one was a representation of the research on which students work on.

“Each CIRE2N student took a concept of their research and developed a demonstration to give to the public. They explained a fundamental process of their research” said Dr. Liz Díaz coordinator of outreach and education of CIRE2N.

For example, Élix Hernández shows how the texture of the soil affects the process of water movement by pouring water on a sponge covered with mud and another with sand. There, he shows that the water crosses more quickly the sponge with sand.

Both parents and students where glad that they had the opportunity to participate in this NanoDays. “I was surprised to know what Nanotechnology is and how there are little things that we do not see” said Evelyn Cedeño, a mother of two 8th grade students from Ernesto Ramos Antonini high school. Some students also said that the activity was very good and educational.

In this NanoDays people left with more knowledge of what environmental nanotechnology is and how it affects them and the environment. Some even came out with new interests in this emerging type of science.

Every participant had a rewarding and educational experience that involved students, professors, teachers, universities, schools, municipalities and science.

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